Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Busy Tuesday...

I don't know how the average person's Tuesday is but mine was Crazy busy today.
Had to wake up at 6am to get Jaydon up, fed and Dressed and to Occupational Therapy on time.
After that we went straight to the Kindergarten Round up where we were until 12pm.
Then Came home and ate lunch and hubby left for work and been balancing kids, house and work since he left. Also been planning out our Schedule for this fall, and trying to figure out if we can fit it all in lol.

So Far our Schedule looks like this.
Sunday's will be shoots for work and hopefully a couple hours Family time at the YMCA
Monday's the older two will have school and younger three will early have classroom time at t
Birth-3 or home visit for it as well as any Doc Appointments and Errands that need to be ran.
Tuesday's Jaydon will have his Occupational Therapy and then I will volunteer at his class
Wendsday's Jaydon will have Speech Therapy and then straight from there to school where I will volunteer at Cherry's Class and then for now seems like girl scout meetings on this night
Thursday's will be Physical Therapy for Jaydon and School for the older two and my edit Day
Friday's are the oppisite of Monday so either Classroom or home visit for the younger three and school for the older two
Saturday's are Soccer Games for Cherry
(This does not yet include any other activities, or Soccer Practice, Or Mack's Soccer Stuff if he does it, 
Or whatever Jaydon Chooses to do, as well as work out time for Devon and I at the YMCA..
I love having a big family lol)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Six years ago today I said I do to the love of my life.
I wasn't nervous and I didn't have cold feet. For I had already commited myself to him and this was just a formality. Saying I do and signing that piece of paper was to simply show the outside world what I alerady knew. That I would stick by his side forever through anything the world threw at us. 
Nothing could be worse then what we had already been through..
Nothing could tear apart the strength of our love.
 We already had started our family and we already knew the worst and best of each other and our love still prevailed. The last six years have not been easy. Life has given us a lot of downs.
But we haven't ever let it keep us down for long. We never quit fighting for what we want.
And no matter how bad whatever it is we go through
We always have each other to hold on to.
 Everyone has been watching and waiting for us to fail. But we just keep proving them wrong.
So Many people doubted us...But the love we share is to strong for their doubts.
It's stronger then the whole world and any pressure it applies to us.

 Because when something Bad happens..instead of fighting we hold tight..
To the one person we can trust with all our heart and Soul...One Another.

 Sometimes people ask me how we do it. How we manage everything we have been through and having five kids. And it's simple Really...We do it together.
No Matter how hard life is..if you aren't alone in the fight against it..then it's a lot easier to handle.
When your best friend is always by your side...When you get given the greatest gift in life..
Five times over...
Nothing is more Amazing to Devon and I then being parents to our Children
But the fact that after six year married (and over 8yrs together)
He still gives me butterflies and Makes me laugh...That's true love
Honestly the truth...we make it work by fighting together..
Laughing together..
Loving together...
Living together..
Because that is what a marriage is...
Being a team and getting through everything..
Good or Bad...
 From then..Until Now..Until Eternity..
Forever Yours <3 Forever Ours
Forever Love
<3Happy 6th Anniversary Baby<3 Here's to 60 More <3

Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Friday Everyone :)
Hope this makes you smile it does me as it had been forever since I had time to take some photos for fun
so Getting to do so was enjoyable :) 
What are you all up to this weekend???
This is going to be a busy weekend for me personally but suprisinly not because of the kids who will be spending the weekend with Grammy and Gampa :) I have a wedding to shoot on Saturday 
which I am super excited for I love..love <3
Also Have a Maternity Shoot on Sunday morning and the possibility of a engagement/paint session
Plus I will be going out to dinner with the hubby on Saturday night for our Anniversary
And we're going out antiquing and Exploring on Sunday morning then spending the evening at home
cuddling and watching movies.
Monday we have a optimologist appointment for Jaydon in the morning and then we are thinking of taking all the kids out to CDA lake :) we have only been there once and it was in the winter for the X-mas Cruise so we are excited. Then I think Monday night I will bake cookies with the kids.
Plus of course all the editing for my sessions lol
Don't know about you guys but it is HOT and I don't feel like cooking in this heat..
However I still like feeding my kids balanced meals so tonight I popped out the old crockpot 
We are doing crockpot chicken taco's 
In my house this is a simple three ingridient recipe which is chicken breasts, salsa and taco seasoning
Throw in in the crockpot for three hours on high or 6hours on low :) 
Shred Chicken and serve on either soft or hard shells and top to your liking
(In our house we like cliantro, lime juice, avacado, and sour cream)
Offically got the younger three enrolled in the birth to three program so they are now on the waiting list and should be starting right around the time the older two start school. 
We also looked into joining the YMCA and plan to do that in the next couple months.
And are making plans to visit Western Wa in September.
Life is good :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

What Fall has in Store...

Summer is usually a super busy time for famlies and don't get me wrong we have done our share of stuff this summer..it's been busy and we've had some fun :) like our stressful but successful trip back to Western Wa a couple weeks ago where we got to see my Sissy <3 (Love you Sissy)
 The boys loved seeing all the stuff at mount Rainer National Park :)
 My Silly kids :) I let them pose themselves lol gotta love them ;)
It was only our second Vacay ever and we didn't get to do a lot but the kids had a blast anyway
Which is always all I can hope for :)
They saw Mt. Rainer for the first time (well up close) Got to go swimming at a lake that was beautiful <3 and went to a fruit stand for their first time.

Aren't they cute their first time at a fruit stand ;) Gracies like I can't eat anything here I am gonna sleep :P 
lol little did she know mama mashed some of those fresh cherries and plums for her later at home and then she was loving on it ;)

Out the car Window <3 Beautiful sight <3
Anyways back to the point after our little side trip slide show lol this fall has a lot of exciting stuff in store for our family. Here are just a few things :) Jaydon is now in therapy :) finally living in Spokane has setteld down where we have him in therapy Three times a week :) and we might also be getting him enrolled in Swimming classes. Cherry is getting back into her Girl scouts so EVERYONE be ready to buy some cookies this year cause we will indeed be selling them and she might also be taking soccer. And the younger three well we haven't forgotten about them :) they have been enrolled in the birth to three program :) and low and behold we will also be trying for the newest addition to the Benson Bunch come fall and we can't wait <3
So be watching because this Fall is gonna rock <3

Welcome to the Journey

A little about the Benson Bunch we are a family of 7 with five crazy but wonderful Munchkins :)
We have two daughters Cherry who is 6.5 and full of spirit and imagination and Gracelynn who is 5months and so spunky and spirited and full of life she will melt your heart.
   We also have three Handsome little boys Jaydon 5, Mackalister 2.5 and Emmit 18months :) Jaydon has some special needs but you would never know it to meet him..he is lively and spritited and so smart and Mack is a little love bug who is full of smarts and cuddles..Emmit is my stubborn Monkey and Sassy to but oh so cute that is makes you just not care. We also have a Dog (Princess a Husky) a Rat (Mickey as in mouse lol) and A cat named Felix
Devon and I will be celebrating our 6yr wedding anniversary on Monday of next week
(Yes go ahead and do the math we got married when Cherry was 6months old)
However we have been dating for almost 9yrs now 
Young love can and will succeed in our case. It's not always easy and it's not always anyone else's definition of prefect but it's ours and even in the tough times we have each other. 
Day to day it is stressful with the finances and the bills but that is the case wether you have one or five kids.
But at the end of the day we love our children and each other and life is the best it can be because we have what many people with never have. Each other...and that's really all that matters.

So welcome to the Crazy Beautiful Mess that is the Benson Bunch
We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we do :) 
Great things to be starting for our family soon <3
Sincerely and with Love
Mama of The Benson Bunch