It's New years Eve today...
The last day of 2014 has come and as I look back at 2014 I am amazed at just how...
AMAZING it was...
The year started off a little rocky...
We found out not long after loosing our little Emerson that we surprisingly were pregnant again.
We were so scared to loose our sweet baby and spent many hours praying as a family for a healthy baby. We didn't announce right away not wanting to jinx anything and so we waited.
But we also Got to Watch as Emmit turned two, that little toe head lights up our lives...
And I am pretty Proud of the cake I made :)
Oh that face :)
And then a month and 4days later our little princess turned 1...
Don't make fun but I totally cried
And then on the day our baby Gracie was Due the year before we announced..
We were expecting again <3
And then another milestone for our family...
In February we bought a new (Second) car and not even 3weeks later the clutch went out and caused a accident.
Thank God for good insurance..but alas we were still out over $4000 and back down to one vehicle...
The first two months of 2014 were hard and emotional..
But then...March came...
And we hit our first big milestone..
16weeks...We were so very happy and cried tears of Joy...
We had many hurdles in our way still to get through this pregnancy...
A severe stomach flu at 17weeks that had me hospitalized with contractions..
Then right at Devon's birthday we got to go in for our 18week ultrasound..
Finger and toes crossed and prayers heard on high..
Healthy and perfect baby we saw...
Icing on the cake...
We got to find out we were having a sweet little Girl
And every single one of us were excited <3
We kept our prayers up and I was told to take it easy because of my miscarriage and
lots of pre-term labor scares I was put on bed rest.
Despite bed rest we had a great Easter and even added a new member to our family,
Buggs the Bunny
But we made it through April...
And Got to witness something that made us so full of Joy..
Jaydon got to play a sport...Baseball
And he loved it
Buddy ball is a amazing organization and I am so glad to be part of it
Plus Jaydon has the best Coach and we just love Jeff and his family to pieces
In May We got to see Jaydon turn 6...
Holy Cow that boy is growing so fast..
I love his goofy faces :)
Then Summer came before we knew it :) and I was so excited...
I was due August 23rd and To make it to June was a great milestone
Cherry and I went to Seattle with her Girl Scout Troop...
(Don't worry I got the okay from my Doctor)
Our summer was pretty laid back since I had to take it easy this pregnancy.
Lots of relaxing in the Back yard and going to the aquatic center as a family.
And Going to the park for Picnic's
I also got to get some cute Maternity shots from my Bestie Tabi
And we celebrated the fourth of July at home as a family :)
(Aren't they too cute)
And we had a baby shower for our sweet little love.
And My kids Got to meet their Great Grandma Chris for the first time
(Don't mind Gracie, she wasn't in the mood for a photo lol...I don't call her Diva for nothing)
And then Devon and I celebrated our 7year Wedding Anniversary
And my Gorgeous Niece came over and I got to take some of her Senior shots :)
Isn't she stunning
And Then Even more good news :) Devon Got a promotion and a raise.
The End of August was quickly approaching and after all the preterm Scares my daughter...
Like her siblings before, decided she didn't want to come out.
We tried all the ways of making her decide to vacate, but alas she wasn't having it.
(Last Shot of the kids as a group of 5 before A was born)
So on August 20th we made our way to the hospital to evict her.
The kiddo's were with their Grampy and Grammy and so excited to meet their new sister...
And then I was induced at 7am we started pit...and played the waiting Game
(Please don't mind the crappy cell phone pic...hard to use my DSLR to take a selfie lol)
After 13hours of labor with Pitocin
Aria Lynn Benson was born at 8:01pm
Weighing 7lbs 15oz and 19.5in long
Look at that sweet nose and those cheeks
Perfect little tiny long toes and baby feet
Oh how in love we were
Daddy was Smitten
And then we cleaned her up :) Well daddy and the nurses did :P
And got ready to take her home..But first she met someone Very special...
Her Great Grandpa...
And he to was in love <3
I mean how could we not all be in love...
Look at all the love ;)
But my Favorite part of bringing a new little love into our family is always...
Watching our other kids as they say Hello to the new baby for the first time...
They never disappoint...
(How sweet are my babies..and their Grandparents)
Gracie doesn't care about babies...except her baby, that's totally a different story
Hey sissy I am the one that was poking you
Emmit says OH LET ME KISS HER!!!
Doesn't Gracie's smile say it all :)
Mack loves his baby.. even if she's crying
His grin is so big you can totally tell how big it is just from seeing it from the side
Aria says the outside world is so bright...
Cherry says that's okay sissy I got you covered <3
Who's a pro at feeding her baby already
admit it this is complete cuteness overload!
Oh how I love them
Cause loves are the best :)
And then I attempted my biggest indoor shoot with my kids...
And I got this...
Don't let their sweet looks fool you...
I worked my ASS OFF for that shot...So buying a big canvas of it at income tax lol
Yeah Go ahead and melt...
Seriously how could you not!!!!
I couldn't believe I managed that one^
Sob it's just to sweet!!!!
Oh how I love them
Aria's face on this one Cracks me up!!!
God how blessed I am
Yep go ahead and Sigh..
She is absolute perfection
Those cheeks
And then I FINALLY got to do some newborn shots outside...
Having a Summer baby was pretty dang AWESOME
Her birth mark...I love it so!!!
Sweet little profile <3
I went a little crazy with her newborn pics lol So sorry if I overloaded your cuteness meter ;)
(That's not even close to all of them)
Sadly summer ended all to soon...
And it was back to the grind
One Car with our crazy schedule is fun...not
but we are so blessed to have a reliable vehicle and we make it work...
Here are some back to school/fall shots of the kids :)
Emmit is my blue eyed ham...and I can't believe he turns three in just 4 days!!!
Cherry Got to bridge from Daisy to Brownie in Girl Scouts.
And Aria turned four weeks old <3
Stop Growing sweet girl
Then Mack turned 4!!!
These kids really need to quit getting older on me!
Seriously I didn't tell them they could Grow up!
And then cause I can I took some more shots of the kids for Back to school
But I still bought the school photos anyway..
And then had them reshot because they sucked..
And then Gave up and just edited them myself to make them usable lol
Cherry 2nd Grade
Jaydon Kindergarten
Mack Preschool (Year 2)
My niece and Sister Came to visit and I couldn't resist and took some more Senior photos of my gorgeous niece Miranda :)
And then It was October and we Celebrated Halloween with some super cute kids
And another huge blessing...Devon got a new job!
With a huge pay raise, and set hours, home in the evenings and weekends off.
We couldn't be more blessed.
Before we knew it it was November...
And then we attempted family photos...except it didn't go as planned..
When does it ever lol
And then it Was December before we could blink and Cherry turned 8!!!! Who said that was allowed...
She really is my mini me...except she is so much more beautiful <3
She's my little assistant photog
And Devon and I celebrated 10years together on the 8th of December
One Decade down and many more to go :)
Aria Turned four months on the 20th of December
At her fourth month check up she was 14lbs 1oz and 25& 3/4in tall
Growing so big.
She can sit unassited but is wobby, can roll from tummy to back and from back to tummy,
And is already working on crawling she can scoot all over.
The kids and I did some playing and took some cute holiday shots :)
Oh how I love them
Hams I tell you <3 and I love every second of it
And this one was just cause I can..seriously I was waiting on a newborn client and decided to snap this..Thought you could use some more cuteness..
Cause the 100 other photos were enough ;)
We had a amazing Christmas and feel so blessed to get the Joy of having such a amazing group of kids to celebrate every holiday with...
And we added a new member to our family, Meet Diamond
And yes that makes six kids, two dogs and a rabbit..
I know I am crazy lol
And Finally we got Family photos :) and I love them so!!!!
I wanted this shot so bad that I went out and bought a old wooden ladder and
had it refinished just for this shot :)
and it was so worth it :D
Gracie says this is my baby :)
Luckiest woman in the world
Oh how I love this image :)
It sums up my girls personalities perfectly
Cause I love these little men and their daddy so :)
She's so high maintenance and was trying so hard not to laugh here lol
Aria's like mom not another kiss...she loves it don't let her fool ya
She may be the oldest..but she will always be my baby
I just can't get enough of this shot :)
Daddy and his mini me
Good God I can't believe how tall Jay is <3
And to sum it up for you...this is all because two people fell in love...
2014 was so absolutely amazing that I can't even fathom the amount of blessings we received.
It's not that there weren't hard parts..
But the good well out weighed the bad, to the point I feel so overwhelmed with blessings,
That I felt the need desperately to help others and spread the blessings.
Our family focused a lot of paying it forward this year.
From handing out scarves and coats to giving people rides...
I guess what I am trying to say is you get what you give...
Put good into the world and you will get it back...
I hope your 2014 was as amazing as ours and I hope your 2015 is even better.
Count your blessings and not your hardships...
I promise you that your blessings are many.
Happy New Year
The Benson Bunch
Devon, Nancy, Cherry, Jaydon, Mack, Emmit, Gracie, Aria
Colt, Diamond, and Buggs