Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Time...Spend it wisely

So I was thinking today..that there are 1440minutes in a day..
And wondering how it breaks down how we spend those minutes...
I mean we are supposed to get about 480 worth of sleep..
Ya mom's don't always get that much lol
so now were below a 1000minutes left..
How much of that is spent driving?
How much of it is spent Cleaning?
How much of it is spent telling the kids no and stop..?
Cooking? Working? Online?
And how much of that is actually spent kissing your kids..
Telling them yes..
Watching a movie with them...
Or reading a book to them..
or baking cookies with them..
I mean if we only get so many minutes before the time runs out..
Shouldn't we try to spend as many of them doing what matters?
I would think so..
If I learned anything from my Grammy and my Daddy..
It was this..
Time spent with those you love doing things you love..
Is time Spent wisely

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Joy of being a modern mom..or Maybe it's a curse

I am not going to sit here and sugar coat anything..
I did not get along with my "Mom" growing up for certain reasons 
and I don't get along with her now for those same and many more reasons.
So let me start this off by saying when I give examples of my childhood they will either be 
of my Daddy or my Grammy...because they WERE my examples.

Okay now that we have full disclosure here I must say I have noticed a trend..
I mean lets face it modern things are taking the WOW out of MOM
Mom's now days aren't sitting down with flash cards to teach their children things...
They are buying them $100 learning pads and Putting on Learning TV
I get it...I am guilty to..But the Learning pad..
That's a privelage..
One that must be earned by ACTUALLY DOING WORK..
They must complete their homework with my help...not it's help..
They have to pick up their messes and do their chores..
That Learning TV shows...there's a limit to how much they get
Because I want them to play..
In The Sun
In the Snow
Hell sometimes even in the rain with me :)
And baking cookies...
Buying it in a tube..
Yeah okay once in awhile..
But what happened to making cookies...FROM SCRATCH..
and not just with your daughters...your sons will love it to..
I know we are all guilty of pintresting like we plan to be the Modern June Clever..
But who does it..
Who cuts up their kids apples and cheese and puts peanut butter with graham crackers for snack...
Instead of throwing some fruit snacks at them..
While you pintrest...
Now I am NOT PREFECT okay
But I try my best..
And sometimes I to say here are your gummies and watch some SUPER WHY
K I get that
But all the time..
And feeding them boxed food constantly..
And giving them Ipads, and Ipods and IPhones all by the time they are 6...
Just because those things are there..
Really..when did this become the normal...
When did drinking out of the water house and spending your summer having sleepovers in a tent in your back yard and actually believing in Santa..
Become..Well Antiquated?
When did it become old fashioned to..Be a mom???
When did it become weird to enjoy helping your kids with their homeowork..
Or strange to want to cook a homecooked meal..
Or bake homemade cookies..
I just want to know..
Technology is great and all
and TV dinners and boxed food can be my best friend when I am battling the flu and taking care of multiple sick kids...
But on those days..
When everyone is healthy..
Why is it not the normal to spend a hour cooking a homemade meal?
Some people take Joy in being able to do things the MODERN way...
But I see it as a curse...
I don't want my children to grow up and think..
I want them to remember..
Making cookies and peach cobbler like I used to with my Grammy..
Our fav Traditional family Meal...My Daddy's Recipe Cowboy Goulash...
Finding shapes in the clouds and the stars
Planting a garden with me and BBQing ith Daddy 
playing tag and water fights and snowball fights..
So sometimes I see these modern a Curse..
Because it's making it to easy..
To be the Slack Parent
And I never want my kids to think that is the way to be...
Lead by example my Daddy always said..
I want my grandkids to be raised with the same good amazing memories of their childhood I have of mine..
Someday I will make peach cobbler with my grandkids the way my Grammy made it with me..
And I don't want them to be to pre-occupied with their phones and gadgets to miss out on it.
And that is the Curse of being a Modern mom..
Let's stop just pinning ideas and Let's Make them Reality..
Let's make it normal again to be the mom that still makes her kids say WOW!!!
Let's do it not for ourselves..Not for our kids...but for our ancestors and our Grandchildren..
Because our Ancestors deserve to know we valued what they gave us enough...
To give it to their Grandchildren's children and so on...
Let's Make a change...
P.S. I just made from scratch baked potato soup and will be making cheddar bay bisquits and apple crisp..
It can be done :) and it is FUN ;) I promise <3

Being a Non-Modern Modern Mom and the way others see that

Being a Non-Modern Modern Mom and the way others see that

Sometimes being me sucks...
Not for the reasons you might think..
Not because I rarely get sleep with 5 kids...
because suprisingly and wonderfully 95% of the time al my kids sleep through the night.
All five of them.
Not because no matter how many times I pick up or deep clean my house still looks like a tornado and hurricane both just blew through in full force.
Not because there are always hand prints on my wall and random stains on my clothes and furniture that I have no idea how they got there.
Not because I have and still get to change a lot more diapers then the average mom in my life.
Not because There are always toys on the floor of my truck and finger prints on the windows..
NO it's not for any of those reasons..
Being Me sucks...BECAUSE that's all anybody thinks my life is.
They look at my big family and they pass judgement...
But Big families are the same as little Families
There is just as much a chance that the mom of two is a slut as there is that the mom of 10 is one...
Actually probably less that the mom of 10 is because lets face it she doesn't have time to go out and hook up with Random men other then her husband because she has 10 KIDS!!!
There is just a much chance my kids were all planned and that of a family of two...Again Probably more so.
And I don't understand how the mom's of one or mom's of two can look at me and only see things to judge me by...
Do they forget the great things.
The first cry when they are born...You got that once maybe twice..
I GOT IT 5 far ;)
The first smile...
The First Laugh..
The First time They say mama and dada and in my kids case bubba and sissy because I cherish my kids relationships with each other as much as I cherish the ones they each have with me.
I get to watch my kids sneak into each others room at night and curl up together...
Have you ever seen three little boys sneak into their sissy's room so that sissy can read them a story.
Where they all fall asleep on the floor together right next to their baby sissy's crib..?
Have you ever heard giggles for hours between five adorable children and they run around playing tag?
Have you ever Listened to them play make believe?
Or heard them say prayer together at Dinner without being told to while all holding hands?
Have you seen your older children teach your younger children shapes and colors because they think it is the most awesome thing to be the one teaching them new things???
Have you ever witnessed a child scream bloody murder like they are being abused because their baby sissy just fell off the couch and they are trying to get your attention even though she is prefectly fine and not even upset...but they care about her so much they just want you to tell them she's okay...?
No you haven't...Well I have...These are just SOME of the small Joys of being me..
Everything that you love about being a mom I get to love it many times over...
I get to see each of my children grow into a amazing and kind person because they learn to cherish and love one another and be kind to each other and others in the process.
So why is it you don't see that when you look at my family.
You make your judgements...
You make your snide comments...
You think all the wrong things...
And THAT is what sucks about being me..
You want to know what is GREAT about being me...
It's that simple..four little words...
Your opinion..Your Judgement..
They aren't important to me
My children are the greatest gifts I could give this world...
Through them I am restoring..
Love of others..
and RESPECT...
Which if you choose to judge me because of the size of my Beautiful family you are sorely lacking some of those qualities and could learn from my children...
If you feel the need to be rude and pass judgement on me...
Just know..
It won't change a Damn thing...
Also let me just make this clear..
This is really a pet peeve...
We have always said we want 8 children... EIGHT
okay can you count???
We have 5...
Now my 7 yr old can figure this out but let me help you out here
okay you got that
So please quit being so stupid when we announce we are wanting or having another one
Your dumb ass is not the first person to tell me..
Yes ...yes we do and we quite like doing it to if you must know..
But Seriously...Get over it people...
I am blessed and so are you so quit being rude and judgemental and get off your high horse cause you look horrible from this angle...
Also anyone who thinks we are not being fair to our children by having so many...
And that is all

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Supermom...nah just regular mom

            Okay so I will start this off by saying, I was raised to be humble. I mean no one is prefect, myself included. So when people call me supermom, yeah I just giggle. Honey I am no super mom. I give my kids cereal for Dinner when I am to wore out to cook, I throw clothes and toys in my bedroom so my living room doesn't look like crap when unexpected company shows up. I pin a half a million crafts I want to do and maybe do two. I hate dishes and loathe the little handprints on the white wall..cause lets face it you may think it's cute once but then someone comes over and gives you that look and you cringe or want to smack them. I put my kids in the tub 2 to 3 at a time and let them play until they are wrinkly as a 100yr old monk just so I can do dishes without having them up my butt. I spend way to much time on facebook, although a lot of it is trying to do marketing for my business, but still to much time none the less. I make 90% of the cookie dough without letting the kids help because it's less messy and takes less time. I have a blog I forget about half the time and have no idea why I do I procrstinate so long it would make your head Christmas tree is still up, and it's a real one. My desk looks like a bomb went off. I forget appointments unless I write them on the big calendar on the fridge AND my day planner in my purse, sometimes a alarm reminder on my phone is necessary to. I spend way to much money on unecessary things, probably doesn't make me a bad mom since it's all for my kids though lol. I put my kids to bed some night and holler up the stairs for them to go to bed because I am to tired and sore to sit on the hard uncomfortable floor between their rooms and read a story (okay most nights). I leave all the laundry in a pile on the laundry floor on top of a sleeping bag because I do not want to spend two days organizing and putting it away in the kids room just to have them tear it all out and put it all over the floor where the dog will then lay on it and I will have to wash it again (about 20minutes after I finish)...I sometimes let the kids stay up to late so Daddy can deal with Putting them to bed when he gets home from work lol I love you honey, they really do go to bed better for him though. The Tv is a great babysitter when you have 5million things to do...did you know :P I am guilty of mom goggles and mom pride, yeah your kid is cute but my kids are THE BOMB. I smack butts and do time outs, I yell...oh lord I am my dad lol but that's okay cause my dad was awesome and I respect him and love him so if my kids feel that way about me to when they are okay then I am good. Sometimes I cry for no reason and sometimes I laugh so hard I can't stop. I am a little crazy and a lot nuerotic and not at all prefect. My cakes end up lopsided, my pancakes...let's just say I am glad my hubby has those mastered lol...I do not have any way of sticking to schedules seriously I see it that each kid is different and when they are tired they will go to sleep. BUT when I am overwhelmed and ready to cry I DO NOT CARE if you are NOT tired Go to bed. I let Gracie stay up as long as she isn't cranky but oh and you won't believe this when she throws a fit and refuses to sleep I put her in bed and let her cry and guess what she usually passes out pretty quick. I co-sleep I know.. I know GASP...I let my kids drink soda, NOT ALL the time but you know for b-days and holidays and sometimes just because we are having a picnic in the backyard..I forget to brush their teeth and I don't always bathe them before bed...heck sometimes I don't even put jammies on them...I let them run nakey in the house if no one is coming over and I have had more pee on my floor from my 2yr old then I ever had from a animal (thank god for our steam cleaner) I don't do all the PT or homework with my son I am supposed to cause well he does enough already he needs some down time...but I tell the teachers and doctors I do lol and Sometimes I tell my daughter I don't want to listen to you read right now Cherry (while I am trying to pee) I know horrible mom. Sometimes when I am at the desk Emmit runs up and says picka up mama picka up and I say no o_O I feel bad but there just isn't enough room and he won't leave the keyboard alone. (p.S. he is currently sittin on my lap) I try to rape my hubby when my kids are awake I know he won't do it lol he's a great dad...but to tease him and get to pay for it later that night is worth 10minutes of letting the kids destroy the house, our marriage is important to. I have a million pet peeves and I do not think it is cute when my kids do Cherry talking in a voice that isn't hers...or chewing with her mouth nails on a chalk board I swear... I give my kids Ice cream, and popcorn and cookies and on bdays I don't set a limit to how many slices they can have. I yell at my kids during photo sessions if they don't just sit there and be good so I can get the shot..the older ones because they know better then to look away so that when I get the younger ones looking I can get thank god for head swap. Sometimes I put on music and let the kids dance and jump for a couple hours so they will go to sleep easier. Oh and worst of all...I love my kids most when they are sleeping :P lol okay I love them all the time but seriously they are about 10times cuter when they sleep lol. I cuss in front of my seriously I do...I was raised that way and guess what I never once spoke a bad word until I was 15, and my kids don't say them either...except Jaydon..he says but only when he gets hurt so I let him lol it's cute and he doesn't use it against anyone or say it at school. And Sometimes I go to the store just so I can have 20minutes to myself :) I am not prefect..I am sure there are a million more things I could name...but please be under no idea that I am SUPERMOM..I am just MOM...sometimes crazy (like a lot) sometimes tired (again a lot lol) Sometimes cranky..never prefect..but also never giving up. I may not always do the best but I always do MY best at any given moment..when I yell I am usually tired and stressed and they haven't been listening for awhile, when I spank it's to teach a lesson because I know it will..and in doing so I will protect you don't run around a car in a parking lot, no you don't stick your finger in a electrical get the point..So please love me for who I am not who you want to think I am , don't be delusional...I am as messed up and human as the next person ;)
- Yours Truly
The Tired, Crazy, Imperfect 
Mama of the Benson Bunch
#NotSupermom #JusttheirMom

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What you say...What I do...

It always amazes me how others feel the need to tell you how to live your life...
I mean hey I get it..
If a man is abusing a woman..
Step up..
If a Woman is abusing a child..
Step up..
If a Child is cutting themselves..
Step up..
There are instances, more than I wish to think about..where is makes sense to butt in..
I get's called humanity..
and we could use a lot more of it.
But being a hypocritical judgemental person..
We could use a lot less of that please...
I mean seriously..Do you think you are the first smart ass person to be rude to me....
Yes I know how babies are made..
Yes we have Tv..
Yes my hands are full..
And so is my heart...
I am not asking you for your help..
I am not begging you for money...
and I do not want your opinion on the number of children I have or do not have.
If someone chooses to not have children...
I do not judge them..
If they choose to have one..or two..
I do not judge them..
So why must they judge me..
And believe me I went through my smart mouthed right back at ya stage...
I was young and angry and hurting and tired of the judgement..
I came back with the oh honey I obviously know how they are made better than you...
and doesn't that just burn you biscuits I get more sex with three kids then you get with none...
The TV oh you mean that thing you can watch porn on right...yeah that's your thing I don't watch that I get the real thing...that's how babies are made...
My hands, no they aren't full wanna see how empty they are I can gladly slap you with one :P
Yeah I have one smart mouth lol thank you Daddy for that..
But now I just laugh..because really if you are that wrapped up in thinking you are doing everything right..
That your life is the only way to live it...
Well honey I am not the one that needs to worry then.
Cause lets face it...if you know me you know I am stubborn...
You can't beat your special needs nancy...
Really tell that to going from the Special Ed program to the bright program in 6months
Oh you will never make friends Nancy...hmm funny I seem to have quite a lot..and some really freaking awesome ones to
You and Devon will never last Nancy...
Yeah okay we are seeming to do just fine..
8 kids??? You're Crazy...Just wait until you have some you will change your's different when they are yours...
hmm okay then...
I have just come to realize...I am lucky to be who I am...Because you doubting me..
Just makes me more determined...
And I have to say it's defintely one of my top qualities about myself..
Now thankfully I am not stupid..
If you tell me I can't jump off the space needle and live I will probably look at you an saw no really lol
 but you get the point.
The point is..what is the point to being judgemental..
Does it really make you feel superior?
Does your one spoiled screaming child 
(just an example I do not think all only children are spoiled and misbehaved)
Make you feel so much better than me with my behaving 5 children?
Does your six failed marriages make you feel better..
Because you didn't get married young like I did?
Does it feel better to not be getting any from your husband and judge me because I do...
I just don't understand it..
So please enlighten me..
And when you do, Maybe..just maybe you will be enlightened to..
Because it comes down to..
I am happy and I am blessed and if you feel threatened by that..
That's your problem but I will not let it ruin me..
So say what you must and I will do what I do.

Second day of 2014

Today is the second day of the new I was wanting to check in and see how everyone's first day was? Mine was freaking amazing...I don't know what got into my hubby yesterday but he was treating me like a Goddess. Not that he doesn't always treat me amazing but yesterday I was spoiled. I slept until almost 11am and then was brought chocolate covered strawberries and ice cold water in bed to tide me over while he made blueberry pancakes with homemade blueberry sauce..YUMMY...I then got cuddled and tickled and loved on in bed by my man and kids :) and even got a little mid-day lovin :P you needed to know that lol but I must say with 5kids that was a pretty awesome accomplishment lol and then I finally climed my lazy butt out of bed at 2pm...I know right, insane lol...then I spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling my man on the couch and listening to my babies play while I watched romantic comedies...that was pretty awesome :) then hubby asked me what I wanted for dinner and made it for me :) and then he put all the kids to bed and went to the store at 11pm to get things for a milkshake because I was craving it. P.S. a Banana Butterfinger milkshake is FREAKING AMAZING lol and then I got a little more loving o_O what I know he really was a God yesterday lol. And then I passed out and woke up to him doing dishes and then he paid all of the bills and bought the kids and I Arby's for lunch :) I am one spoiled lady and feeling the love :) So how was your first day of the new year? Hope it was pretty awesome :)