Friday, March 28, 2014

About Special Needs

 The Truth About being the mother of a Special Needs Child 
I have read a lot of Adoption stories lately, & have noticed a trend.
There are so many "Special needs" babies and children out there that need homes that no one wants.
Why..because they see the words "Special needs" and focus on one thing...
BUT-what is being a parent???
Being a parent is being responsible for someone and all their needs, ALL THE TIME.
You don't get to pick what those needs are, you get to fufill them. 
What they should be focusing on is the word SPECIAL.
As the mother of 5(soon to be 6) children, one of which is a "Special needs" child; 
I want to share a secret with you.
The needs you have to fufill for each child is going to be unique, wether you label them special or not.
Because each and every human being is unique. Some are more complicated then others, 
but that doesn't make them any less worthy of love.
You know the great thing about being a special needs mom.
It teaches you the true defenition of being a mother.
To be a mother means to sacrafice yourself and your needs fully in favor of someone who needs you.
No one teaches you that more fully then a special needs child.
Being blessed with a special needs child means you learn the true defenition of love.
Unyielding, undying, all encompassing LOVE.
But Mostly through your so called sacrafice you learn that you are not sacraficing anything...
But gaining something amazing...something Special.
This "SPECIAL" person views you as their whole world..
When others see them as different and broken, you view them with love and admiration and joy..
When others make them feel hurt, you heal the pain without words...
And in return you are THEIR world..
You are SPECIAL in a way no one else knows.
You are BLESSED with utter adoration and LOVE.
And when those hard moments get to be to much,
That special child will look at you with a worlds worth of love in their eyes and NOTHING will matter besides that.
Being the mother of a child with Special needs is NOT a burden it IS a blessing..
Being a mother breaks down to this-
You are responsible for the life and needs of a human being
And your child is Special to you and your heart.
And by that defenition..
Aren't all children "special needs" ???
Because their needs are special to you!
And therefore all children are prefect and blessings and being the mother/father/aunt/unlce/sister/brother/ect..
To ANY child is a blessing!
One that should be recognized and honored and chereished. 
So when you see the words SPECIAL NEEDS think not of the WORK that entails..
But of the JOY and LOVE it brings. 
All Children are Special and All Children have needs. 
Be Joyous for your blessing and thankful for your Hardships.
The hardships make you cherish your blessings that much more.
-Thought for the day

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