Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The change a day makes

Do you ever just sit and look at your kiddos and think...
Wait when did they grow so big..
How is it I will have four kids in school in January???
How is it my youngest is potty training?
When did my oldest start to look more like a kid and less like a Little kid???
When did my middle son start to look more like a little kid and less like a baby??
When did my Oldest son start knowing so much and teaching it to his bubbas???
The time just flies...
Between keeping them fed, and occupied and clean and clothed and all the house work..
Somewhere in Running a home and a business and the daily tasks of mommy duty...
The time sort of just slips away..
When you are counting down to something..
The time moves like molasses in January,
But then you look at your kids and think wait when did they get so big?!?!
 March 2014
July 2014
(Photography Credit TO Photography)
Do you see the difference just four months made...it's astounding to me..
Look at Cherry and Jaydon..
My God I can't believe how much more grown they look!
And now Mack and Emmit..they don't look like babies...
That's not okay with me..because well they are still my babies..
All of them!
And Gracie..
well it's sad to say but the day her baby sister is born she is suddenly going to look so much older.
Not because in my heart she still won't be just a baby..
But because she won't be the baby anymore..
She will be a big sister..
Over night they will all grow again.

I am 39weeks and 4days today...
I know I don't look it lol..
That's because my sweet little baby girl just loves mommy's spine..
Let me tell you not fun.
But the point is Our little girl will be here very soon..
And when she comes suddenly things will change..
Not that it's bad..
We are so excited to meet her and hold her and 
we all love her so much already it hurts not having her in our arms yet.
But her arrival will indeed be bittersweet...
Because with her arrival our baby Gracie is no longer a baby...
Which is sad :(
But at the same time..wether there was a baby A or not she would still be the same age..
and she would still grow up...
So although I know I am about to loose that...
I also know I am about to gain a whole bunch more.
I will get to wittness her becoming a big sissy.
I will get to see my 5 kids become my 6 kids.
I will see their faces light up when we FINALLY bring sissy home..
And once again (for now) our family will be complete and content and all will be right with our world.
Time changes so much..
Even just a blink of a eye can change someones world.
I won't spend my time on this earth trying to please other's by fitting into their idea of the 
"Prefect American Family"
Instead I will spend every second..
Every moment..
Cherishing these amazing blessings I have..
Every single one of them <3
Because I am oh So very Blessed
 (and total doctor who pun here in honor of my hubby)
Don't BLINK ;)
Because time goes so fast...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

National Breastfeeding Week

Hey all my fellow mama's out there...
Happy National Breastfeeding Week
I know there are tons of blogs being written this week,
From Breastfeeding mamas <3
(I will link my favorite at the bottom of this)
So I am going to write one from a non-breastfeeding mama
First I want to start off by saying..I completely support breastfeeding!!!
I also completely support bottle feeding!!!
I have tried with 5 kids (and yes I will try again this time)
to breastfeed. 
And have been unable to...
Not because I didn't do it right,
Not because of latch issues,
Not because of lack of time,
No I couldn't do it because my body will not produce milk..
All my breastfeeding mama's out there..your first instinct is to tell me what to use or how to combat this..
Please Don't...
Stop for just one second and hear me out before you start in...
When I say tried I mean tried..
Maxi Milk
Quiet Space
Calm time
Nipple stimiulation..
Pumping, Not pumping..
Gallons upon Gallons of water..
and every other thing under the sun you can imagine..
and I have cried..
I cried so much my poor husband thought he was going to have to take me into the doctor..
Because my body was BROKEN..
I am a woman..
I am supposed to be able to do this...why can't I???
You don't need to lecture me or try to fix me..
I have already done it enough for all of you...
And then I dealt with my daughter being in and out of the hospital for the first 5weeks of her life..
Because the jaundice wouldn't go away..
Because she wasn't gaining weight..
And I broke..completely just snapped...
This is my 5th kid and I still can't make this work and NOW my babies health is suffering...
I was done..
Not because I wanted to be, but because there was nothing else to be done..
5weeks in after breast feeding non-stop all day everyday
and I was completely bone dry..
I couldn't get a drop..
It took me months to just accept, I can't..
It took me 5 kids to accept it.
I make colustrum and very little and by very little I mean at four weeks PP I couldn't even pump 1/4 of a ounce after pupming 4 different times.
So I give my babies what I can and then I bottle feed.
Let me make something VERY CLEAR...
Formula is NOT the devils milk..
For moms like me...moms who don't have a choice
Moms who spend hours hiding and crying..devestated..
It's a Savior.
It's the only way we can provide nourishment to our child.
(Yes I know there are milk donors, that's a whole nother discussion and one we will get to another time)
And in a world full of parents killing their kids and letting them rot in car seats in their own poop.
I am going to ask you to do me a favor..
The next time you see a mom feeding her baby..
Wether that be Breastfeeding..
Or Bottle feeding.
Don't glare, Don't Judge, Don't Hate..
Stand together as moms and accept and love.
Our Children learn by example..
Let them learn acceptance, kindness and Love from us <3
Happy National Breastfeeding week to all the Breastfeeding mamas 
to all us moms in general <3
(and as promised here is my fav current Breastfeeding blog <3)

Friday, August 1, 2014

My Other Love...

Well hello one and all on this wonderful Friday :)
First lets address something...
It's the First of August, and tomorrow I am offically FULL TERM!!! Yay!
Okay now to the point of this post.
If y'all haven't figured it out by now I LOVE my kids lol and my hubby to,
But I also have another love...
In fact I run my own Business...
Where you are all welcome to follow my work.
I love capturing all moments in life <3
Well this week I get to capture a very important one to me personally..
My niece (who is basically my very first baby) is offically a Senior...
I can't believe it...but I am so blessed and honored to capture these moments..
So without further ado...

Miranda Ashley Teabo
Class of 2015
"You'll Never cross the ocean...
Until you have the courage to loose sight of the shore"