Saturday, August 2, 2014

National Breastfeeding Week

Hey all my fellow mama's out there...
Happy National Breastfeeding Week
I know there are tons of blogs being written this week,
From Breastfeeding mamas <3
(I will link my favorite at the bottom of this)
So I am going to write one from a non-breastfeeding mama
First I want to start off by saying..I completely support breastfeeding!!!
I also completely support bottle feeding!!!
I have tried with 5 kids (and yes I will try again this time)
to breastfeed. 
And have been unable to...
Not because I didn't do it right,
Not because of latch issues,
Not because of lack of time,
No I couldn't do it because my body will not produce milk..
All my breastfeeding mama's out there..your first instinct is to tell me what to use or how to combat this..
Please Don't...
Stop for just one second and hear me out before you start in...
When I say tried I mean tried..
Maxi Milk
Quiet Space
Calm time
Nipple stimiulation..
Pumping, Not pumping..
Gallons upon Gallons of water..
and every other thing under the sun you can imagine..
and I have cried..
I cried so much my poor husband thought he was going to have to take me into the doctor..
Because my body was BROKEN..
I am a woman..
I am supposed to be able to do this...why can't I???
You don't need to lecture me or try to fix me..
I have already done it enough for all of you...
And then I dealt with my daughter being in and out of the hospital for the first 5weeks of her life..
Because the jaundice wouldn't go away..
Because she wasn't gaining weight..
And I broke..completely just snapped...
This is my 5th kid and I still can't make this work and NOW my babies health is suffering...
I was done..
Not because I wanted to be, but because there was nothing else to be done..
5weeks in after breast feeding non-stop all day everyday
and I was completely bone dry..
I couldn't get a drop..
It took me months to just accept, I can't..
It took me 5 kids to accept it.
I make colustrum and very little and by very little I mean at four weeks PP I couldn't even pump 1/4 of a ounce after pupming 4 different times.
So I give my babies what I can and then I bottle feed.
Let me make something VERY CLEAR...
Formula is NOT the devils milk..
For moms like me...moms who don't have a choice
Moms who spend hours hiding and crying..devestated..
It's a Savior.
It's the only way we can provide nourishment to our child.
(Yes I know there are milk donors, that's a whole nother discussion and one we will get to another time)
And in a world full of parents killing their kids and letting them rot in car seats in their own poop.
I am going to ask you to do me a favor..
The next time you see a mom feeding her baby..
Wether that be Breastfeeding..
Or Bottle feeding.
Don't glare, Don't Judge, Don't Hate..
Stand together as moms and accept and love.
Our Children learn by example..
Let them learn acceptance, kindness and Love from us <3
Happy National Breastfeeding week to all the Breastfeeding mamas 
to all us moms in general <3
(and as promised here is my fav current Breastfeeding blog <3)

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