Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Countdown begins

Tomorrow is June First and the kids Are super excited...
Because we are starting our Disney count down
We started our Movie a week countdown last night
We watched the Orginal Parent Trap, Circa 1961
I am pretty sure Cherry and I were the only ones that enjoyed it lol
But alas it was fun
Today we did our first Disney craft
A Countdown chain...
I know, I know we have over 700 days until we leave...
Which is why we did a monthly one
It currently it has 26 links on it and tomorrow morning on June 1st we will take off the first link and it will be 25months until we leave for Dinseyland :)
The kids are so excited!!!
And So am I lol
so without further ado
here is our mickey mouse countdown link

First Gather your supplies

 And your helpers :P

 I didn't follow exact Directions to make this..
but there is a tutorial and printable template over at
Where I got the idea :)
here is our Finished product
 Kids are super excited to remove the very first link tomorrow
Then we will have 25months to go 
We will remove one link on the first of every month
and the kids don't know yet but they will get to open a goody for every link :)
After we get down to the last link we will make a month long day by day countdown
:) This is so exciting:)


  1. Awesome ideas sissy ❤, looks like the kiddos enjoyed making it together. ♡

    1. Yes they did :) I can't wait to do more fun things with them :)
