When you're a stay at home mom you always hear the same thing ...must be nice to spend all your time with your kids...you're so lucky...I bet you have lots of time to do the things you enjoy...
and my all time favorite..what do you do all day??? When you work from home you hear all that and more!!! You are so lucky to work from home, it's so much easier. Apparently these people have never taken care of children....So let me give you a little break down...
Every morning I am awoken by my sweet little children climbing into bed with me between 5-6am
where they promptly try to get comfy in my queen sized bed...all six of them..suddenly there are cold feet where cold feet should NEVER be lol then I get up and I change Two butts and remind all the other kids to go potty. I let the dog out and juggle keeping a cranky A happy while I get her bottle made and get the other kids breakfast.
Then while the kids eat breakfast I feed A and try to get her back asleep...most of the time this is unsuccessful but alas I keep trying. I then either put her down for belly time or put her in her swing.
I now let the dog back in.
I run down stairs and start a load of laundry I then run up and down between the three floors to gather outfits for all 6 kids. (while doing this I also have to keep tabs on the five eating breakfast to make sure they are eating and not playing or fighting, as well as keeping A calm)
Then I have to clean up all the kids and get them dressed, sometimes there is another diaper change in there and then I remind the kids to feed the animals and Cherry to brush her hair.
I then have the kids grab their coats and backpacks and shoes...and help them all get them all on.
Then I get Jay his meds and double check that I have all the kiddos and then we all load up to take Cherry and Jaydon to school. Unless it's Wed., Thur., or Friday when Jaydon has therapy...yeah that's fun...
Drop The kids off at school and bring the younger four back home and unload them.
Bring the kids inside and get them settled in with a show and snack.
I make A another bottle and feed her. Hopefully I get her to sleep but usually I snuggle her for 20-30minutes
Then I get her in her swing and I go and clean up the breakfast mess and do the dishes. Sometimes I also get dinner in the crockpot depending on what we are having. Then I change butts again.
Then I get the kids another snack and get them playing with their toys. Sometimes if they are really good they get to play on their "ipads" ( learning tablets).
Sometimes if I am lucky the kids (Emmit and Gracie and A although less and less with Emmit lately) take naps now and if I am REALLY lucky daddy gets home from work before I have to take Mack to school. Otherwise I then have to load up all the kids, including the sleeping ones who haven't finished their naps. Then I take Mack to school where I unload all the kids to take Mack in and then reload the younger three.
Sometimes I now have to run errands and sometimes I get to go home...
Where I spend from 12:30-2:30 Doing marketing, client responses, editing, feeding the younger three lunch, changing more butts.
Now for me editing, marketing and client responses is done in the living room while I manage the kiddos and keep them happy and change butts and get them snacks, sometimes there are crying breaks, or dancing breaks. usually all 2hrs are spent with A on my lap and the other two kids also climbing on me. Because you know they want nothing to do with me until I sit down to work and suddenly they need my undivided attention. If Daddy is home I get to do this until 4 because he goes to pick up the kids. Otherwise at 2:30 I load up the three younger kids and pick up the older two from school at 3 and then I drive down and pick up Mack at 3:45.
Now we all come home and unload. Where it's time to do homework and check off papers for the kids. Also more butt changes and again snack. Usually another bottle as well. Then I either have shoots or it's time to do lunch dishes. Then After I am done with whichever of those I have to do It's about a half and hour of down time with hubby and the kids. Where I listen to hubby either talk about something funny that happened at work or complain about his day and he does the same for me. Then I realize...I have yet to eat...hubby gets upset at me and then it's time for dinner. Sometimes we eat at 5, sometimes 5:30 but on nights I don't have shoots and their is no Girl Scouts our regular dinner time is 6:30. I have also been doing laundry on and off all day.
We eat Dinner and then it's pick up time for the kids.
Then we bathe, vitamins and teeth brush the kids and daddy puts them to bed while I feed A.
Then once we get the kids to bed we have about a hour before A goes down for the night.
We watch one or two shows cuddling on the couch because at this point we are both to tired to care about dinner dishes and the 10 loads of clean clothes that need to be folded and put away. Eh at least they are clean. Then it's another bottle for A and a diaper change.
We then climb into bed...with A and cuddle and pass out.
This is usually between 9:30-11pm
A wakes up at 12-1pm for a bottle
A wake up again at 3-4 am (this is usually when Emmit...Mack..or both, sometimes also Jaydon...seem to end up in our bed)
and then again A wakes up at about 5-6am for a bottle and we start the day all over again....
Please do tell me again how it's so easy to be a work from home or stay at home mom....?!?!?!
Now mind you I love it, I love my husband...I love my kids...I love my life...
This is what I signed up for...but it's still work..
It's long hours, it's screaming fits, and bloody noses, and blowout diapers, it's grocery shopping with three kids while the other three are at school.
It's falling in bed exhausted to tired to care the dishes aren't done...
It's NEVER EVER having all the laundry done or ever putting it away..
It's also...endless giggles, fun art projects, silly moments, funny stories, endless cuddles and kisses..
It's priceless and it's my life...
So no as a matter of fact...it Is NOT EASY to be a SAHM or a WAHM but it is so very worth it...most days lol
But just like any other job...sometimes I don't like my co-worker (but I still love him)...or my customers...they whine a lot :P ( I mean my kids not my clients lol) but my pay is way higher then yours...So easy...nope...but oh so worth it
Oh and the other comment I hear is how do you ever get anything done...The answer is I have a amazing husband who always help (90% of the time anyway..but hey we all need down days) and my kids are actually really pretty amazing and also help by cleaning their own messes a lot of the time. And the honest truth is...sometimes..I don't...Sometimes I sit on the couch and cuddle the baby... for hours..and I dance and play and do crafts..and the dishes sit unwashed, the clients wait a little longer for a response and the laundry piles up...Just like anyone else I have off days...bad days..sick days...and I play hookie...but my kids don't suffer for it...because the job gets done...just maybe not in the way worthy of bragging about... Breakfast might be cereal instead of pancakes...Lunch might be a lunchable....dinner pizza..butts get changed but the kids might just stay 90% naked most of the day...and that's okay...because I am human...and it happens to us all :)
So now you have it...the easy life of a stay at home/work from home mom...hope I didn't make you to tired with that easy life of mine ;)
P.S. This doesn't include days there are other things to be done, like Dr. Appt....and yes Coffee is my best friend...and yes sometimes I am up all night editing clients sessions ;)
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