Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Know us...

 The Day we said I do
A very stressful and long three years had led to this day 
This wasn't they way we wanted anything to go..
But it was the way it went.
The reality is niether one of us like thinking about that day because,
Well nothing went right at all...
But that's okay becase we became man and wife..
And in the end, that was all that mattered anyway.
That's the day that we offically became a family,
Even if in our hearts we had always been one <3
That was 7years ago...
Seven long stressful, obstacle filled years...
Also seven happiest years of my life...
I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much..and yet..
fall in love with him more everyday.
He still gives me butterflies and makes my heart race.
But yet also fills me with a sense of calm.
Because I know in my heart, that no matter what I have him.
It's not that we don't ever fight, or that we don't ever argue..
It's simply that these moments we don't stop caring or loving.
It's that in him, I know I always have someone who will be on my side.
Who will hold me up when I am weak.
Who will bring me to my knees with a kiss.
Who will make me laugh, make me cry, make me shiver with need,
And do all them with me.
He is the other half to my whole.
Now not to sound all corny here...
It's just the truth.
So many people doubted us and made jokes..
I am sure there were even  bets made...
Sorry guys I won that one (not sorry)
But the reality is, we made our own path.
The world is so broken. 
There is so much hate.
So much tradgey..
Why wouldn't you want to marry for love...
why would you settled for anything less then the person your heart can't live without?

The world likes to judge...
But my life makes my heart happy..
Not many people now days can say that.

The beautiful family and the loving home we have created together is nothing short of prefect in our hearts.
7years ago today I said I do to the man that I always had..
7years is nothing, it's the lifetime of love and happiness we will share..
That is the lesson and legacy we will leave with our children and grandchildren.
Happy Anniversary honey
Here's to the next 70 <3

Update for Blog..

Oh goodness I just realized how long it's been since I updated on here...whoops
Sorry about that guys :D when you are a mommy of a very big busy family sometimes you forget things like blogs. 
The last time I posted we revealed that our sweet one is a girl. 
Well She is indeed still a girl and can now come at anytime <3 we are all very impatient to meet her lol.
Devon got a new position at work, he now works morning hours which was a adjustment but one we 
were all super happy to make and are now settled into. 
We all absolutely love having him at home every night for dinner. 
All the kids are doing AMAZING...
Emmit is almost fully (meaning no accidents) potty trained (again)
Gracie has been trying so hard to potty train as well but we wanted to wait until we had Emmit potty trained.
So we will be working with her soon on it :)
Summer has been crazy busy and fun and also sometimes stressful lol
That's pretty much the skinny
I am going to try to start sharing more often again
Much Love the Benson Bunch