Sunday, December 1, 2013

Craft One of Our Crafty Christmas

As the mom of five that means I am on a budget...
Which means when I do crafts I have to keep it relatively cheap.
And Yes that does mean I save toilet paper rolls and babyfood jars and you might want to as well..
Because we will be getting to those crafts sometime this month as well.
Our First Craft for the Christmas Season are easy and cheap and fun.
You will Need Those plastic snowflakes from the dollar store 
Then you will want to buy bingo doppers as well
I got mine from the dollar store and in total for snowflakes and bingo doppers this craft cost me $6

 I got red, blue, purple, and green because that's what my store had.
 If your kids are enthusiatic this might get messy...
in otherwords make sure they are in clothes you don't mind getting messing 
and put down either a plastic table cloth or like me construction paper.
 Using the construction paper had the added effect of giving me another piece of artwork when they were done.
 Place the Snowflakes out and the doppers out after shaking them up 
and then let the kids go crazy...
 My 22month old son did it by himself so this is a pretty easy and cheap craft :)
Plus they had a blast and now you will also have some cute cheap ornaments for your tree
 If you use construction paper under the snowflakes...
 You Might just also get some pretty art for your wall or fridge
 So fun and adorable..I plan to scarpbook mine :)

 And on top of it all we made Peppermint ice cream Coco Floats...
I forgot to take a picture so I grabbed this one from the interent (This is not my photo)

*Peppermint Coco Float*
You will need Milk and half n Half
Peppermint Ice Cream
Coco Mix
*Also if you are like me you can add whip cream and crumpled peppermint bark to the top 
(If you want a adult fun version there is this amazing Pinnacle Peppermint Bark Vodka YUM)
 Add your milk and half n half together (just add it for you flavor prefrence)
Micorwave for two minutes
Put two scoops of peppermint icecream in your cups
when done warming the milk whisk in coco mix
Then poor coco over ice will float just like a float as long as your coco isn't to hot.
If desired top with Whip cream and crumbled peppermint bark
(can also add a shot (OR TWO) of that yummy vodka)

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