Tuesday, December 9, 2014

That fateful day I became a...

That fateful day I became a mommy...
My oldest Celebrated her 8th birthday last week,
 it's been so hectic around here that I am just now getting to blog this :)
One a cold winter night... December 2nd, 2006 to be exact...
After going over due by 2weeks and 2days and being scheduled to be induced the next morning...
I finally went into labor on my own. 
My stubborn little baby (we didn't know what we were having because she wouldn't uncross her legs)
was supposed to be due November 20th and I waited and waited and waited...
Honestly as a 18yr old mom that was determined to have a all natural birth I was loosing my mind.
I swore that kiddo was never coming out and I was about to loose it...
I was terrified of being induced, but the other option seemed that she would never come out...
So I finally relented, and scheduled the induction on the morning of December 3rd. 

Except she had other plans, 
on the night of the second as I laid down for bed I knew something was off.
I was restless and couldn't stay laying down. I tossed and turned.
The contractions got stronger and closer together.
I had been having braxton hicks for weeks but these felt different. 
I took a bath and that didn't relieve the restless feeling or the contractions.
I got up and paced and tried having some tea and I still couldn't calm myself.
I walked the hallway and then took a shower.
From about 10pm to 2am I had myself convinced I wasn't in labor and just being hopeful
I was afraid to go to the hospital and look stupid.
(Give me a break guys I was young and this was my first kiddo)
By 2:30 am I knew I could wait no longer and I loaded up in the car and drove myself to the hospital.
I was checked in and they monitored me and told me that although yes I was in labor it wasn't active and I wouldn't be having the baby today without induction. 
I was instructed to go home and rest until I had to come back for my induction....
They were oh so wrong and I was back by 6am ( I was scheduled to be induced at 7am)
So this time they just had to keep me.
I spent the next 12hrs pacing, and using the tub to manage pain.
I talked to Dev on the phone a lot 
(Once I could reach him, he was in California)
Unfortunately my regular Doctor was on vacation in Oregon with her family.
(I was two weeks overdue after all)
So I had to have a male doctor that I had never met before. 
I was not at all happy with this...only one man needs to see my parts in my opinion.
But what are you going to do..,
When you are about to push a baby out someone has to catch the baby.
The nurses kept trying to convince me to get a epidural, 
and finally I snapped at them...
" I swear if any of you try to stick a damn needle in my back it will end up in yours"
Let's just say I am the best OB patient you can ask for...until you don't listen to me
(Or if I have to have a labor with pitocin for longer then 12hrs...Sorry Dr. Kraus)
Let's just say they didn't bug me about it again and move on with our story.
By 7:30 I was saying I feel like I need to push.
The nurse's took their sweet time getting the Doctors in the room...
by the time everyone was in there I swear there was 15 people in my room...
Talk about over kill...
Anyway they were taking their sweet time and I simply said...
Listen folks I know this is my first time but if one of you doesn't get down there I am catching this baby myself.
They just laughed and said it will take you more then one push hun...
Apparently they expected me to push for at least 20minutes...
And they told me to go ahead and push...
So I did...
And exactly two pushes later at 7:43pm 
Our beautiful daughter was born...
I told the doctor beforehand not to say anything because I had Devon on the phone and I wanted to tell him.
So I didn't know until they laid her on my chest and in one of the most perfect moments of my life
I looked down at this sweet perfect screaming chubby little girl and I told her daddy...
"It's a girl babe, we have a daughter"
And I was a mommy and it's the best thing that's every happened to me. 
She was a healthy 8lbs 11oz and 19in and we named her 
Cherry Lynn Benson
Cherry- Because she was our sweetness and innocence reborn
Lynn- After her Auntie Dakota, God mommy Rachael and adopted sister Ronda 
Benson- Because it was time for this last name to be carried on in a beautiful way.
<3Three very important names to us <3
Happy 8th birthday Cherry Lynn Benson
May you always know how loved and adored you are
- Love your mommy and daddy 

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