Saturday, October 26, 2013

My Biggest Accomplishments

Many people have told me...that I was to young...that I was ruining my life.
That I should go to college first.
That I should be young first.
That I should explore first.
But they were WRONG....
You are all my greatest accomplishments.

 You are my youth..chasing you through snow and listening to your laughter..
What better way for me to be young then playing with you as you grow.
You help me explore...
When I am with you the world is more than what it is..
 The grass is a jungle where we crawl on our bellies to avoid the hunters stalking us...
The Night is a mystery filled with stories and laughter.
The Lake is a Secret World filled with Merpeople and Pirates...
They are the ones devoid of youth...
They are the ones who regret their choices so are trying to tell me how to make mine.
But I don't regret my choices...
I cherish them...all of them..

Because without my choices, I wouldn't be who or where I am today.
And I wouldn't have any of you.
You are my way to better this world.
To bring laughter and Joy to the lives of others.
To bless the universe with beauty and love.
You are my blessings...
 The Best parts of me.
When I feel sorry for myself...
When I feel down in the dumps...
When my world is turned upside down...
I have you...
Each and everyone of you.
You make my world prefect...
Because you are beyond all imprefections...
You are my Children...the best and most important accomplishments of my life.

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