Thursday, January 23, 2014

Being a Non-Modern Modern Mom and the way others see that

Being a Non-Modern Modern Mom and the way others see that

Sometimes being me sucks...
Not for the reasons you might think..
Not because I rarely get sleep with 5 kids...
because suprisingly and wonderfully 95% of the time al my kids sleep through the night.
All five of them.
Not because no matter how many times I pick up or deep clean my house still looks like a tornado and hurricane both just blew through in full force.
Not because there are always hand prints on my wall and random stains on my clothes and furniture that I have no idea how they got there.
Not because I have and still get to change a lot more diapers then the average mom in my life.
Not because There are always toys on the floor of my truck and finger prints on the windows..
NO it's not for any of those reasons..
Being Me sucks...BECAUSE that's all anybody thinks my life is.
They look at my big family and they pass judgement...
But Big families are the same as little Families
There is just as much a chance that the mom of two is a slut as there is that the mom of 10 is one...
Actually probably less that the mom of 10 is because lets face it she doesn't have time to go out and hook up with Random men other then her husband because she has 10 KIDS!!!
There is just a much chance my kids were all planned and that of a family of two...Again Probably more so.
And I don't understand how the mom's of one or mom's of two can look at me and only see things to judge me by...
Do they forget the great things.
The first cry when they are born...You got that once maybe twice..
I GOT IT 5 far ;)
The first smile...
The First Laugh..
The First time They say mama and dada and in my kids case bubba and sissy because I cherish my kids relationships with each other as much as I cherish the ones they each have with me.
I get to watch my kids sneak into each others room at night and curl up together...
Have you ever seen three little boys sneak into their sissy's room so that sissy can read them a story.
Where they all fall asleep on the floor together right next to their baby sissy's crib..?
Have you ever heard giggles for hours between five adorable children and they run around playing tag?
Have you ever Listened to them play make believe?
Or heard them say prayer together at Dinner without being told to while all holding hands?
Have you seen your older children teach your younger children shapes and colors because they think it is the most awesome thing to be the one teaching them new things???
Have you ever witnessed a child scream bloody murder like they are being abused because their baby sissy just fell off the couch and they are trying to get your attention even though she is prefectly fine and not even upset...but they care about her so much they just want you to tell them she's okay...?
No you haven't...Well I have...These are just SOME of the small Joys of being me..
Everything that you love about being a mom I get to love it many times over...
I get to see each of my children grow into a amazing and kind person because they learn to cherish and love one another and be kind to each other and others in the process.
So why is it you don't see that when you look at my family.
You make your judgements...
You make your snide comments...
You think all the wrong things...
And THAT is what sucks about being me..
You want to know what is GREAT about being me...
It's that simple..four little words...
Your opinion..Your Judgement..
They aren't important to me
My children are the greatest gifts I could give this world...
Through them I am restoring..
Love of others..
and RESPECT...
Which if you choose to judge me because of the size of my Beautiful family you are sorely lacking some of those qualities and could learn from my children...
If you feel the need to be rude and pass judgement on me...
Just know..
It won't change a Damn thing...
Also let me just make this clear..
This is really a pet peeve...
We have always said we want 8 children... EIGHT
okay can you count???
We have 5...
Now my 7 yr old can figure this out but let me help you out here
okay you got that
So please quit being so stupid when we announce we are wanting or having another one
Your dumb ass is not the first person to tell me..
Yes ...yes we do and we quite like doing it to if you must know..
But Seriously...Get over it people...
I am blessed and so are you so quit being rude and judgemental and get off your high horse cause you look horrible from this angle...
Also anyone who thinks we are not being fair to our children by having so many...
And that is all

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