Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Joy of being a modern mom..or Maybe it's a curse

I am not going to sit here and sugar coat anything..
I did not get along with my "Mom" growing up for certain reasons 
and I don't get along with her now for those same and many more reasons.
So let me start this off by saying when I give examples of my childhood they will either be 
of my Daddy or my Grammy...because they WERE my examples.

Okay now that we have full disclosure here I must say I have noticed a trend..
I mean lets face it modern things are taking the WOW out of MOM
Mom's now days aren't sitting down with flash cards to teach their children things...
They are buying them $100 learning pads and Putting on Learning TV
I get it...I am guilty to..But the Learning pad..
That's a privelage..
One that must be earned by ACTUALLY DOING WORK..
They must complete their homework with my help...not it's help..
They have to pick up their messes and do their chores..
That Learning TV shows...there's a limit to how much they get
Because I want them to play..
In The Sun
In the Snow
Hell sometimes even in the rain with me :)
And baking cookies...
Buying it in a tube..
Yeah okay once in awhile..
But what happened to making cookies...FROM SCRATCH..
and not just with your daughters...your sons will love it to..
I know we are all guilty of pintresting like we plan to be the Modern June Clever..
But who does it..
Who cuts up their kids apples and cheese and puts peanut butter with graham crackers for snack...
Instead of throwing some fruit snacks at them..
While you pintrest...
Now I am NOT PREFECT okay
But I try my best..
And sometimes I to say here are your gummies and watch some SUPER WHY
K I get that
But all the time..
And feeding them boxed food constantly..
And giving them Ipads, and Ipods and IPhones all by the time they are 6...
Just because those things are there..
Really..when did this become the normal...
When did drinking out of the water house and spending your summer having sleepovers in a tent in your back yard and actually believing in Santa..
Become..Well Antiquated?
When did it become old fashioned to..Be a mom???
When did it become weird to enjoy helping your kids with their homeowork..
Or strange to want to cook a homecooked meal..
Or bake homemade cookies..
I just want to know..
Technology is great and all
and TV dinners and boxed food can be my best friend when I am battling the flu and taking care of multiple sick kids...
But on those days..
When everyone is healthy..
Why is it not the normal to spend a hour cooking a homemade meal?
Some people take Joy in being able to do things the MODERN way...
But I see it as a curse...
I don't want my children to grow up and think..
I want them to remember..
Making cookies and peach cobbler like I used to with my Grammy..
Our fav Traditional family Meal...My Daddy's Recipe Cowboy Goulash...
Finding shapes in the clouds and the stars
Planting a garden with me and BBQing ith Daddy 
playing tag and water fights and snowball fights..
So sometimes I see these modern a Curse..
Because it's making it to easy..
To be the Slack Parent
And I never want my kids to think that is the way to be...
Lead by example my Daddy always said..
I want my grandkids to be raised with the same good amazing memories of their childhood I have of mine..
Someday I will make peach cobbler with my grandkids the way my Grammy made it with me..
And I don't want them to be to pre-occupied with their phones and gadgets to miss out on it.
And that is the Curse of being a Modern mom..
Let's stop just pinning ideas and Let's Make them Reality..
Let's make it normal again to be the mom that still makes her kids say WOW!!!
Let's do it not for ourselves..Not for our kids...but for our ancestors and our Grandchildren..
Because our Ancestors deserve to know we valued what they gave us enough...
To give it to their Grandchildren's children and so on...
Let's Make a change...
P.S. I just made from scratch baked potato soup and will be making cheddar bay bisquits and apple crisp..
It can be done :) and it is FUN ;) I promise <3

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