Thursday, January 2, 2014

What you say...What I do...

It always amazes me how others feel the need to tell you how to live your life...
I mean hey I get it..
If a man is abusing a woman..
Step up..
If a Woman is abusing a child..
Step up..
If a Child is cutting themselves..
Step up..
There are instances, more than I wish to think about..where is makes sense to butt in..
I get's called humanity..
and we could use a lot more of it.
But being a hypocritical judgemental person..
We could use a lot less of that please...
I mean seriously..Do you think you are the first smart ass person to be rude to me....
Yes I know how babies are made..
Yes we have Tv..
Yes my hands are full..
And so is my heart...
I am not asking you for your help..
I am not begging you for money...
and I do not want your opinion on the number of children I have or do not have.
If someone chooses to not have children...
I do not judge them..
If they choose to have one..or two..
I do not judge them..
So why must they judge me..
And believe me I went through my smart mouthed right back at ya stage...
I was young and angry and hurting and tired of the judgement..
I came back with the oh honey I obviously know how they are made better than you...
and doesn't that just burn you biscuits I get more sex with three kids then you get with none...
The TV oh you mean that thing you can watch porn on right...yeah that's your thing I don't watch that I get the real thing...that's how babies are made...
My hands, no they aren't full wanna see how empty they are I can gladly slap you with one :P
Yeah I have one smart mouth lol thank you Daddy for that..
But now I just laugh..because really if you are that wrapped up in thinking you are doing everything right..
That your life is the only way to live it...
Well honey I am not the one that needs to worry then.
Cause lets face it...if you know me you know I am stubborn...
You can't beat your special needs nancy...
Really tell that to going from the Special Ed program to the bright program in 6months
Oh you will never make friends Nancy...hmm funny I seem to have quite a lot..and some really freaking awesome ones to
You and Devon will never last Nancy...
Yeah okay we are seeming to do just fine..
8 kids??? You're Crazy...Just wait until you have some you will change your's different when they are yours...
hmm okay then...
I have just come to realize...I am lucky to be who I am...Because you doubting me..
Just makes me more determined...
And I have to say it's defintely one of my top qualities about myself..
Now thankfully I am not stupid..
If you tell me I can't jump off the space needle and live I will probably look at you an saw no really lol
 but you get the point.
The point is..what is the point to being judgemental..
Does it really make you feel superior?
Does your one spoiled screaming child 
(just an example I do not think all only children are spoiled and misbehaved)
Make you feel so much better than me with my behaving 5 children?
Does your six failed marriages make you feel better..
Because you didn't get married young like I did?
Does it feel better to not be getting any from your husband and judge me because I do...
I just don't understand it..
So please enlighten me..
And when you do, Maybe..just maybe you will be enlightened to..
Because it comes down to..
I am happy and I am blessed and if you feel threatened by that..
That's your problem but I will not let it ruin me..
So say what you must and I will do what I do.

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